Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Week 5 - Book Clubs

This week the graphic organizer being used is "Picture This".

If you made your book into a movie, what images would show up on the screen? Picture This is designed to help you visualize and reflect on what you’re reading and then to promote discussion based on the images your book club members record.

1. While you are reading, mark passages that strike you as good material for your sketch.
2. After you’ve read, sketch a significant scene or image from the text in the box. The sketch can represent a literal event in the reading, or it can be more symbolic in nature, but it should be something you want to write about and talk about more in your book club. Don’t worry; the quality of the artwork isn’t the point here. What matters is what you have to write and say about it. In fact, stick figures are fine.
3. After you’re finished drawing, explain how this image is significant in the space below your sketch. Consider questions like the following:
• How did you decide what to sketch?
• Is it something that actually happened in the reading? If so, why was it so important?
• If your sketch is symbolic, what does it represent?
• What did your sketch help you understand about the reading, or what questions did it raise?
• What else do you want to say?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Week 4 - Book Clubs

Welcome back from March Break!

This week we are working on Mind Map Reading Log.
Students need to draw three things that they think a character may be thinking. The student then needs to create a legend to explain what they have illustrated. This explanation should be detailed and well though out, as their symbols should be significant. Finally, they need to record three real questions that they still have about this section of the book.

Week 3 - Book Clubs

This week's graphic organizer is called Dailies. Dailies are four-column journal entries, two of which you keep while reading, one that you keep during reading and one that you complete after book club discussions.

Some suggestions for the first two columns:
My first reaction to this part of the reading are...
I wonder what this means...It might be that...
This part is confusing because...
This makes me think that...will happen later because...
The most important event/word/phrase/image/idea in this part is...because...
This character/event/idea reminds me of...
I didn't expect the character to act/react this way because...
Sometimes I feel just like this character when...
The characters seem to fee...about...
This description makes me feel...
The setting gives the effect of...
I imagine the author to be the sort of person who...
I need to find out more about...